Lili's Proto Lab


Temporary changes in availability

Changes in personnel availability

For the coming weeks it is anticipated that the lab will be occasionally closed. Whilst we plan on providing our general 5 days a week coverage there may be times when the lab is unexpectedly closed due to the difficulties in scheduling. This may be for a matter of hours but potentially a whole day

What this means for users

As usual, the job shop will be open even in LPL staff are not available. This means there will still be a workspace present, expertise on hand and a limited number of tools in some cases. However, if you need the Proto Lab (staff or equipment) be sure to check in to the news bulleting on the this site before coming. We will do our best to keep it updated.

How long to expect this for

We expect this shortage to be reduced by the other side of Christmas as staff become more available. Additionally, we are taking on another student assistant after P2 so we will have even more availability.

When are you even open anyway?

Just so you know, we are typically available for walk-in in the afternoon. This means no appointment is necessary. The mornings are our ‘appointment’ hours which means we expect to be able to work on improving the lab unless some one has given us notice in advance they plan to be here.