Lili's Proto Lab


Lili’s Proto Lab attending the science for life conference.

Visit our stand!

Lili’s proto lab representatives will be present at the Science for Life conference on 20th November. We will bring some fun prototypes to allow people to see what users have been building in the lab as well as letting people see what is possible using our tools. We look forward to having some interesting conversations as well as possibly setting up some partnerships with people within life sciences.

Did you miss us at the event?

If you are not able to visit our stand at the science for life conference you are welcome to reach out to us and discuss how we could support your education or research. This is most easily done by mailing us at

Invite us to your program?

Lili’s Proto Lab can send ambassadors to conferences, research group meetings, educational meeting and other events. If you are a proponent of prototyping and want to see more hardware in your part of Utrecht University then you can reach out to us and ask us to join. The easiest way to do this is by asking as at